Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yes, they actually called him that.

At this moment I'm Ill-a than Godzilla... if he had the runs.
Yep, I'm sick, violently.

So, in the few seconds before I pass out, let me walk you through the top 5 Metal Gear Stupid names.

Metal Gear is cool because it keeps it's 8-bit-isms. In regards to games from the 8-bit era that have a story (being fat and chasing a princess is not a story) most series have shaken off their 8-bit embarrassments. You won't see anyone in Zelda say 'I AM ERROR' anymore and hell, Samus is going to talk in the next Metroid.
It is interesting then to see that Metal Gear, a series famed for it's complex storyline, not only keeps all the goofy crap but embraces it.


Anyway I'm not explaining anymore, just read these funny names and be funnied up, or some shit. I think I just lost one of my eyes.

5. Laughing Octopus: (Metal Gear Solid 4)
Really there are about fifty names I could have put here 'Big Mama', 'The End', "Raging Raven' (and these are all post millenium change), but whatever. When I hear the name Laughing Octopus an image of an octopus laughing comes into mind... whoa. In the world of the game though LO is actually a horrific woman who can disguise hereself as... an octopus, or is an octopus or something.
It made sense at the time.

4. Fatman (Metal Gear Solid 2)
MGS2 is probably my least favourite game in the MGS series.
Fatman is definitely my least favourite boss in the MGS series.
Brett is gay.

This is one of the few times that Konami has tried to make a character with a dumb name cool and it has backfired.
Fatman is the opposite of cool, he is fat... and not party hawaiian fat either, we are talking white sumo fat.
He also drops bombs and wears rollerskates... awesome game konami.

3. Solid Snake. (Metal Gear Solid 1)

How... how did this happen?
How... how did they make him somehow cool?

That's right, the fact that you are not only Snake but SOLID SNAKE in the game makes you feel so cool, you are told so many times how cool it is that your are Solid Snake (as opposed to your rival liquid snake) that it almost makes you forget that your name is also shared by a rather sturdy wang.

2. Black Color (Metal Gear 2[1990])

He dresses in black! That's not racist! It's just a colour!
Anyway, the boss Black Color is the only boss in Metal Gear history to get a name change in subsequent releases. I feel for you Black Color, don't let it keep you down, it's not bad to be a Black Color, no matter what Konami says.

1. Higharolla Kockamamie (Snake's Revenge)

I don't know what I can say other than I shit you not.

Now, in 1990 Snake's Revenge was kicked out of the Metal Gear Canon (wonder why) and Higharolla is said to be the result of some disgruntled, or high, translator. Either way, it is the single greatest name in the history of humanity.

Extra life:

Big Boss:

Say 'Big Boss is a dumb name' to anyone who has played Metal Gear Solid 3 and they will punch your throat out, i'm not sure how that happens but I guess it would hurt. Yes, like Solid Snake they make it cool somehow.
Still in the first Metal Gear back in ye olde 1987 Big Boss was your mentor who SHOCK HORROR turned out to be the last boss in the game, one might say he was the BIG boss of the game.
Of course, in Konami's credit they could have made it more obvious, they could have called him:
'Final Boss'
'The dude who is actually evil n shit'
but they didn't.

Also he looks like James Bond.

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