Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome to your Doom

You didn't think it was going to happen didgeya?

You had moved on with your life, accepting that you would never experience true joy again, that your best days were past you, that all you had to look forward to in the future was a busty nursing home nurse and an enlarged prostate.

Well unaccept that duderino (except for the prostate, I've heard you in the bathroom and man... you should get that checked) because much like Swine Flu 2.0, this blog is coming back at ya.

You will notice, ye that art awesome, that the name of this humble blog is from the mighty Altered Beast spoken by the Elmer Fuddish Zeus.

Altered Beast... a terrible terrible game that in it's terribleness somehow becomes awesome... and terrible. I think that pretty much sums up the existance of this blog.

Anyway, so what can you expect from this blog?

- I've decided to tone back on the curses and such and focus more on clever witty banter and the like. fart. Of course I'll still be making the funs of everyone who isn't exactly like me in every way and I'm pretty sure Brett's mum will make several apperances (in fact that is her in the picture up top... the fire is from that nasty case of thrus.... this isn't working is it?)

-I've been on a retro kick recently, retro games, retro tv, retro food (Killer Pythons are da shiznits) so, as we all are timers of the old kind and don't understand these new fandangled things like blutooth and pants, I thought we could talk about the years gone by when super men could have names that just meant male twice (He-man), where robots could turn into different robots that could join up with other robots to make a big robot (Voltron) and when Roseanne was fat...

As meatloaf would say (if Roseanne hadn't eaten him) two out of three ain't bad.

Don't worry, the lack of edit[ting and general clutter that you've come to love will remain.

You will get joy from this site forever more.

I give it two days.


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