Monday, April 26, 2010

FoxDie / You want pointless bitching that helps no one with anything? You got it!

MGS4 Rant

FoxDie, the name of the virus that kills all members of Foxhound in Metal Gear Solid.
It has been unleashed.... on my gaming collection.

Given that the next mainline Metal Gear Solid game is going to be released in two months (on the PSP no less... with the budget of the PS3 game!) I thought I'd go back and play through 4 one last time.

Unfortunately, everytime I booted it up last night the PS3 froze.

Being my most treasured game of this gen, it has only ever left it's case to be played and has a special place on the shelf.
I looked at the disc and there is a tiny spot on it, even after removal though it doesn't work.

I read that this has happened to a lot of people though no one knows the reason, some people suggested it was firmware, I updated... freeze. Some people suggested it was conflicting firmware so I formatted... freeze.

Then I finally found (after losing all my data for everything) that supposedly MGS4 is super sensitive because of all the data (dual layering and such) that the slightest dot can screw the disc.

Anyway so I thought I would go play MGS1, which is the game in the series i'm least familiar with. I had the gamecube version but I wanted to play through the original PS1 version (reportedly better) which I acquired a few years back for 4 bucks.
This was brand new, in the case, shrinkwrapped.
Bam, didn't work.

It was four o'clock in the morning so I was confused. I put on MGS2 and... it worked and then so did my cube MGS1.
Friggin strange though.

So it looks like I have to rebuy MGS4 eventually. It is a lot cheaper now but still.... rrrgh damn Kojima... you are gonna give me a stroke... again.

It's almost enough for me to stop considering it as the best thing ever... almost...

Futurama:Into the Wild Green Yonder Rant

Ok so I was channel surfing in the hour or so I had free yesterday, and I turned on Futurama. It was an episode I knew I had seen but it seemed very unfamiliar. Low and behold it was Into the Wild Green Yonder (I know, such a shock considering I put the name in the title).

I ended up watching the whole thing and I may have been a bit harsh on it previously. It is not totally devoid of humour and if you are kind of half paying attention to it (instead of watching it intently) it is pretty entertaining.
Still no where near Beast with a Billion Backs or the fourth season but decent enough.

Star Trek Rant

Ok, I'm five billion years late but I finally saw Star Trek (or some of it anyway). I got up to the point where Nimoy comes into it (that last sentence, that was a spoiler, so don't read it if you haven't seen the film) and I was pretty bummed.
It's a decent enough film but... come on Trekkies... this is what the big fuss was about? I was told that it blew all previous Star Treks out of the water, that it was more edgy, more action packed and more serious.

It was just the same as every other Star Trek movie but with a different cast. It was kind of trying to be Battlestar Galactica but never went as far, stayed within the safe Star Treky boundaries, which made it feel like less of a reinvention and more of just another entry.
Not that that is bad, it was entertaining, it just was by the numbers entertainment.

I should probably watch the rest of the film before bagging it, and not watch it on a two inch screen as well, but what fun would that be?

I need to watch this film surrounded by a group of nerds (AKA: You guys), maybe I would appreciate it more.

I had a great ending here but I thought it was a bit too hilarious.

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