Thursday, April 29, 2010

Soes.... I guesses I should try this galaxy of Mario thing.

I've been bedridden (or sofaridden... ridden something) these last four days because of some stomach flu bug that has been unleashing hell on my insides (coughing up blood and everything, awesome).

Also, due to poor timing, I can't access my bank so I can't even go get lunch ( on the plus side of everyone else, this limits the spread of the disease... but I want a burger dammit... so I can vomit up something tasteful. I think over 50% of this post so far has been in parenthesis).
So anyways, I'm getting to the point where looking at a screen doesn't result in a mind shattering headache that burns out retinas, medulla oblongatas and brain cells and I figure I should do something with this time instead of just sleeping.

Now I was browsing this thing called the internets and I came upon a dude who was talking about his favourite games and while they didn't synch up with mine, they were all games I had a lot of fun with.

In the middle of this list was Super Mario Galaxy which he put above Devil May Cry 3, which quite frankly is some kind of crazy talk. Though he did put Demon's Souls above both so I guess I can respect the list again.

So, this mcduder states that this game is so awesome that it is somewhere between Demon's Souls and Devil May Cry 3 in awesomeness. Two of the most awesome things ever.

Here's a confession, despite finishing Kieren's copy for him, I have never played the majority of Super Mario Galaxy.

I'll let that sink in for a second.

Your jaw off the floor yet?

Ok good.
Now before you go all "HAVEN'T PLAYED IT? GO AND FUCKING GET WAGGLING YOU STINKING JEW!", let me explain what happens every time I try to play this game.

Also, just a side note, I recently read a post that asked people to list their favourite game they have never got around to finishing and Super Mario Galaxy was the second most listed game behind Okami.

So this is what happens every time I boot up the game.

Start the game, princess gets kidnapped.
Brain: Ok this is decent, let's get moving.
Play a few levels.
Brain: Hey I'm having fun, this is pretty cool. Wish you could use the controller.
Get up to the first level where you get the bumble bee suit and do the boss there.
Brain: Wow, that was really fun.
Get transported back to hub world.
Brain: I had fun.... but wow, look how much I've got left to do... wow, suddenly I have no motivation to play this game. I feel like I've gotten all I'm gonna get from it.
What's the point in going to the next level again?
Fuck the wiimote sucks.

Eject Disc
Brain: Phew, let's play something with a bit more story.
Puts in Final Fantasy XIII
Brain: Oh hey this looks goo...... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do feel that Galaxy would have been better off as a portable game, just get a star or two when you are on the train. I enjoyed 64 but I never would have finished it if it weren't on the DS.

So with Mario Galaxy 2 around the corner (though Nintendo's two other big titles that were coming a month later just got delayed... maybe just because they were so close to Galaxy) I figure I have reason to play through the first. It just feels so daunting however. And this is coming from someone who got half way through Demon's Souls (the game where the standard player death count for the first level is 60+).

If it is half as awesome as DMC3 though I'd dig it but I'm not gay for Mario like everyone else. Super Paper Mario really soured me to the dude.

Also has anyone heard about 3D Dot Heroes? looks awesome.
That took an hour to friggen update because there was an error. Friggen hell.


  1. whatever happened to your final fantasy rage post sickboy?

  2. I have to learn to effectively channel the hate into a coherent arguement rather than just smashing the keyboard in rage whenever I think about it.

    In other words, I'll get to it, and believe me, nothing will ever be the same... except everything.
