Thursday, July 1, 2010

Brain damage is the future.

So my viewership is down to Daniel and the occasional passer by looking for some Altered Beast references.

Why is the viewership down? Because Kieren is in Singapore. We all know that Singapore doesn't have electricity or even the wheel.

Originally I wrote something pretty offensive (and completely insane) here stating that the reason Singapore didn't have electricity was because the populace were actually aliens, but like, those second class citizen aliens that in Star Trek episodes are like a sub species of the main race and are taught by the Trek crew that they are actually every bit as worthwhile as their leading race... or something.

Anyway it was an excuse to post a picture of this cat:

If they ran him up a flagpole I know I'd salute.

This post has become somewhat derailed.

Anyway the point is Kieren is in transit to Singapore which, contrary to popular belief, has the wheel and maybe electricity to even but while he's on the plane he won't have access to this site... because it's one of those human powered flying bicycle fandangos:

The guy in that photo has a mad hat.

What the hell did I eat earlier today?

I was originally going to talk about Phantasy Star IV or something but I should probably just end this post before I breach the space time continuum with my awesomeness.


  1. Yo. I'm at Darwin airport now, typing this on my smarter-than-Jesus phone. Boarding is in seventy-five minutes, so I've still got some major time-killing to do. Apart from that, I've got nothing to report. I was hoping that there would be a decent backlog of posts here to occupy me, but that obviously wasn't the case.

    So now I don't love you any more.

  2. Hey, there were two in the space of a week, that's a fifty billion percent increase.

    What did you play on the plane? (I'm guessing by the time you check this you'll have been on it already).

  3. what fancy pants phone K Man? I'm in the market for one.

    also geoff, you are a beautiful man
