Sunday, July 25, 2010

Temple of Doom is temple of...awesome.

I've been muchos sick recently which is why there hasn't been any new posts, that and I couldn't think of anything to write about. In fact, I can't think of anything to write about now either but if I don't update at least bimonthly I get attacked on the street by samurai gypsies... it's an increasing problem these days.

So in the past month or so I did the incredible and finished Phantasy Star IV. It was something I always wanted to do but I was put of by how... user unfriendly it was. I figured if I didn't do it now I would never get around to it. It was grindy as all hell and I had to use a walkthrough to work out what the spells in the game actually were, not just because of the five character limit (where 'REVER' restored someone to life... I guess they meant 'revert') but just weird name choices as well. Supposedly 'GIFOI' means 'Big fireball'. Logical.

Anyway for an rpg it was surprisingly short but it felt epic and it had heart and junk. Also there was a dude called 'Raja' who wasn't indian but he was an alien who wore a turban. That's racist, Sega.

So that's what's been happening in my world, that and brain seizures or whatever the hell these things are. Also I watched Temple of Doom... still awesome.


  1. I can't reply to your message because I'm out of credit and my credit card's in some sort of limbo (meaning I can't recharge the balance), but, yeah, I'm free on Wednesday. What did you have in mind?

  2. Ah cool, I was thinking lunch and the usual. You been doing anything since Thursday?
