Monday, June 7, 2010

Scarefest 2010.... and other tales of terror... or lame... probably lame.


Check out my terrifying font changing skillz.


Oh right. Coming the weekend that Daniel is down, or some other time if he pikes: Scarefest 2010!!!

There are three exclamation points going on there, with that much enthusiastic punctuation you know it has to be terrible!!! Also, I don't know if the inaugural fest is allowed to have a year number behind it but I'm putting it there anyway to gain credibility with the masses (you, are the masses... with those fat buttocks).

So, what is this scarefest? A marathon run of Big Bang Theory? The infamous 'Brett's mum' video? Fashion shopping with the wife and her gay friends?

No, well maybe the video will make an appearance if we get really drunk (like coma drunk) Scarefest is where we all get together, get drunk and watch horror films... or wag our genitals at each other until it becomes awkward... four hours in.

So here is the well researched agenda:

One from each category in any order. Feel free to give your own suggestions.

Film Category 1: The spooky one: Paranormal Activity, Rec, Orphanage or Village of the Damned.

Film Category 2: The so-bad-it-is-bad-but-we-are-getting-tipsy-about-now: Children of the Corn Remake, Jason X (Jason... IN SPACE!), Leprechaun 5: in da hood (not making that up... Edit: Oh fuck there is a sequel too!), or whatever other crap is in the $1 bin.

Film Category 3: The bloody one: Texas Chainsaw (I'm guessing it's bloody)... and whatever else... I'm not big on the genre.

Film Category 4: The Awesome one: Zombieland (I hear good things), Bad Taste, Tremors 1-3 etc.

I'll come up with better films in the last two categories when I'm not suffering from the flu.

'I watched nine Boston Legals before I realized it wasn't a new Star Trek'

30 Rock season 3 is gold.

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