Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lost my phone and e3 is awesome.

My phone is at the girlfriend's place so don't try to call me.

Anyway, after E3 day one I was pretty underwhelmed. I wasn't home last night and after the first day of E3 I wasn't eager to check up on the news (by the way Microsoft pulled a Sega and said 'new (version) of the console is coming out... today!) but then I did and whoooooo boy!

New Zelda
New Kid Icarus
New Paper Mario
3DS is awesome (analog!!!) and will feature remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 (which means it is damn powerful)
No Vitality Sensor (that can only be good news)
New Donkey Kong done by the Metroid Prime dudes.

Holy shit is all I can say.

Konami are also having a press conference later which was my main draw to the show and Capcom have yet to announce anything.
Should be awesome.


  1. Apparently my last comment's living in some sort of twilight-y show about that zone, so I'll repost:

    "I just sat up and watched Nintendo's entire live E3 conference.

    Sign me up for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, plus a 3DS console. It finally has an analogue stick, so hopefully it'll be backwards compatible with Super Mario 64 DS.

    That Mickey game didn't look too bad, either. Kind of like Mickey Mania, back on the Mega Drive."

  2. That micky game is actually created by the guy who did Deus Ex... pretty strange.
    How is Mario?

  3. what is the deal with these disappearing comments. It's like some kind of Brett's mum infinite pit of nothingness.

  4. I actually wasn't going to play it (the hardest exam of this semester is tomorrow, and I'm in big trouble), but your message convinced me that I should.

    So I'm now twenty-six stars in, and it's awesome. As a lot of the reviews said, it really starts to ramp up once you hit World 3.

    You don't have this on order anywhere, do you? Are you planning to pick it up?

  5. When it comes out here I'll pick it up.
    Just played a bit of Peace Walker and it seems awesome but I'm way tired for some reason.

    What did you think of Metroid btw? It's only a month away

  6. Yeah, I watched the Metroid demo. Didn't look bad, but didn't exactly look like my type of game, either. With all of the 2D Kirby, Donkey Kong and Mickey goodness (plus the cel-shaded Zelda), I really don't have a reason to need to make myself like this. When it eventually goes budget, I'll probably give it a go.

  7. Also the new 2d Rayman looks cool. Kirby looks messed up (in a good way) but I guess this means they scrapped the 3d Kirby they were working on from the cube days.

  8. Status update ... because I know you care.

    I now have 82 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I've beaten the final Bowser. That leaves 38 more regular stars to get, and then I unlock the opportunity to collect all 120 green stars.

    And, in a Mario first for me, I haven't consulted a walkthrough yet.

  9. I thought the deal was with Galaxy 2 that there were 240 stars. 120 gold and 120 green.Or is that a luigi thing again?

    Also my weekend is uber busy but I could do a dinner tonight or something on monday.

  10. Ok just checked, don't read if you don't want minor spoilers:

    Once you get 120 stars you unlock a new level then green comets appear everywhere and you have to collect 120 new stars (hidden in the original levels) then if you do that you unlock a new 'Grandmaster' Galaxy.

  11. I thought that was the gist of my message -- 120 regulars, then 120 greens.

    Anyway, I've 105 regular stars now. Just fifteen to go. And then the greens, of course.

    Let me know if there'll be some dinner tonight. I can't do Monday, because I'm going to Cat Stevens.

  12. Ah right, I skimmed your message and missed that.

    Was away all weekend so there was no mcdinner. Which day are you leaving/returning?

  13. I'm leaving at about 3:30 am this Thursday morning, and I'll be getting back on 21 July, I believe.

    PS. 161 stars now.
