Friday, June 11, 2010

Contra: Hard Corps (the hard Genesis one) gets a sequel

Days after Kieren and I were talking about it (still can't believe he beat this game, it was considered to be x10000balls times harder than the other games in the series...) a sequel appears.

Hosted by a japanese dude I want to hug.


  1. Now you're making me doubt myself. I'll boot it up today to make sure it is the game I played, but I'm pretty sure I did do it, with some serious quick-saving.

    I also just finished all twenty-two episodes of 30 Rock. It's actually better than I remember.

  2. That is pretty good then.
    I watched a few episodes of The Office, didn't dig the first episode, started warming up on the second and stayed there for the third.

    I can tell it is funny though a lot of the jokes I make me feel bad for the characters, similar to why I can't watch curb.
    I'll finish this though.

  3. The Office is more of a traditional sitcom, in that a lot of it is just riffing on familiar characters, so you might find -- I sure did -- that even episodes that didn't do too much to you the first time around will be better the second go through, when you're more comfortable with the characters.

    On top of that, the feeling-bad aspect isn't really too much of a problem for me, mainly because it's actually quite good in comparison to the British one. The UK Office, by contrast, is awkward enough that you want to slit your wrists at multiple points during an episode. The Americans don't seem to like that, and Michael Scott gets more humanity as the series progresses. He's still a repugnant human being, but you get more of a wink from the writers, letting you know that he's just a cardboard cut-out, and that you shouldn't feel too sorry for him.

    But the British one ... whoo.

  4. 'awkward enough that you want to slit your wrists at multiple points during an episode'

    That should be one of the bullet points on the back of the box.

    I'll keep truckin', plus I hear each season gets better.

  5. In news just to hand, Giana Sisters DS is done. All ninety-two levels unlocked, played, and all the bonus stuff collected. And just for the hell of it, I also maxed out my life count to ninety-nine.

  6. did you play through the original version and see if it is any different?

  7. It wasn't quite what I was hoping for. Level 92 is 32 levels from the original game (I don't know if the original game only had 32 levels) back-to-back, in one sitting. Some of the level elements (blocks, trees, etc.) did look a little different, but all the character sprites were the same as the ones in the main game. Those extra levels were extremely easy, though -- I managed to blast through all 32 in about twenty minutes. If that's how long it took to finish the original game on the Commodore 64, then I was much, much easier to impress back then.

  8. Actually, I've got to admit I'm feeling some of the E3 hype again, for the first time in a few years. I'm very excited to see what Nintendo's going to come up with, and I've just been watching a few videos of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and, despite being download-only, it's still looking like something I could very much get into.

  9. Starts 3:30 AM tomorrow.
    I'm not hyped at all, but usually when I'm not hyped good things happen.
    The big question for me is if there is a PSP2.

    Also, they found my metal gear, wasn't expecting that.

  10. I just sat up and watched Nintendo's entire live E3 conference.

    Sign me up for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, plus a 3DS console.

    That Mickey game didn't look too bad, either. Kind of like Mickey Mania, back on the Mega Drive.
