I've been easing up on the updates as Kieren has been on the road in the middle of Australia and Daniel has been here. Also the last post pretty much turned into a forum so I was happy to let it just go but that seems to have died out now so I guess I should update... and here the update be.
Anyway, so it turns out Shining Force IV actually exists... well, not really. I've been playing a PSP game called Jeanne D'arc (which i've been playing for years but whatever) that IS Shining Force IV. Turns out it has some of the same team maybe.
It has the charm (moreso maybe), the story, the awesome and a whole lot more.
As you can see from the picture it is pretty historically accurate too:
I've talked about this game (may have even made the same joke) before so I'll shut up now but next time you come down Dan, I'll lend you the PSP so you can experience the forceness.
ummm, and we are being ruled by a dame, what's up with that?