Sunday, June 27, 2010

My best friend sucks his best friend's nuts.

Hey, it be one of them thingys... umm... what was it called? An... update! Yeah that's it, I remember those.

I've been easing up on the updates as Kieren has been on the road in the middle of Australia and Daniel has been here. Also the last post pretty much turned into a forum so I was happy to let it just go but that seems to have died out now so I guess I should update... and here the update be.

Anyway, so it turns out Shining Force IV actually exists... well, not really. I've been playing a PSP game called Jeanne D'arc (which i've been playing for years but whatever) that IS Shining Force IV. Turns out it has some of the same team maybe.

It has the charm (moreso maybe), the story, the awesome and a whole lot more.

As you can see from the picture it is pretty historically accurate too:

I've talked about this game (may have even made the same joke) before so I'll shut up now but next time you come down Dan, I'll lend you the PSP so you can experience the forceness.

ummm, and we are being ruled by a dame, what's up with that?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lost my phone and e3 is awesome.

My phone is at the girlfriend's place so don't try to call me.

Anyway, after E3 day one I was pretty underwhelmed. I wasn't home last night and after the first day of E3 I wasn't eager to check up on the news (by the way Microsoft pulled a Sega and said 'new (version) of the console is coming out... today!) but then I did and whoooooo boy!

New Zelda
New Kid Icarus
New Paper Mario
3DS is awesome (analog!!!) and will feature remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 (which means it is damn powerful)
No Vitality Sensor (that can only be good news)
New Donkey Kong done by the Metroid Prime dudes.

Holy shit is all I can say.

Konami are also having a press conference later which was my main draw to the show and Capcom have yet to announce anything.
Should be awesome.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Contra: Hard Corps (the hard Genesis one) gets a sequel

Days after Kieren and I were talking about it (still can't believe he beat this game, it was considered to be x10000balls times harder than the other games in the series...) a sequel appears.

Hosted by a japanese dude I want to hug.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Enter the Awesome

Right now I've got the flu like Brett's mum has herpes: Viscously (not a typo). Don't ask me what that means, I'm having a fever dream.

It was only two years ago, or maybe a bit more... couldn't be bothered checking wiki, that Metal Gear Solid 4 came out. The final episode in the Metal Gear Saga at least chronologically, was awesome despite the Internet hate it gets now, and I blogged the fuck out of it.
Now, the part sequel/part side story is coming here in less than a week and of course, it will be awesome. The size and members of the design team is supposedly the same as that for MGS4 so it's got to be hella good.
I can pretty much guarantee that I will get more joy out of this game than anything western developed, something about the Japanese dedication to making a game that works and has it's own rules over the western ideals of making it look good and showing off how much money was spent on it just speaks to me.

Anyway what I've been meaning to say is that recently there has been a drought of good Japanese games here. But within the space of a month we are getting: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Super Mario Galaxy 2 Kieren is going crazy over and (the long awaited by me) Dragon Quest IX (For Daniel, that's the series the creators of Shining Force originally worked on. If you recall an anime game I was once playing where when your party members died in battle they would follow you around in little coffins, that was DQVIII).

Also just announced and coming out tomorrow, is the Megaman Zero collection:

Four of the GBA's best platformers (supposedly) on one cart. I played a bit of the second game and it was quite awesome.

So there is my gaming wishlist for the rest of the year and partway into next.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Scarefest 2010.... and other tales of terror... or lame... probably lame.


Check out my terrifying font changing skillz.


Oh right. Coming the weekend that Daniel is down, or some other time if he pikes: Scarefest 2010!!!

There are three exclamation points going on there, with that much enthusiastic punctuation you know it has to be terrible!!! Also, I don't know if the inaugural fest is allowed to have a year number behind it but I'm putting it there anyway to gain credibility with the masses (you, are the masses... with those fat buttocks).

So, what is this scarefest? A marathon run of Big Bang Theory? The infamous 'Brett's mum' video? Fashion shopping with the wife and her gay friends?

No, well maybe the video will make an appearance if we get really drunk (like coma drunk) Scarefest is where we all get together, get drunk and watch horror films... or wag our genitals at each other until it becomes awkward... four hours in.

So here is the well researched agenda:

One from each category in any order. Feel free to give your own suggestions.

Film Category 1: The spooky one: Paranormal Activity, Rec, Orphanage or Village of the Damned.

Film Category 2: The so-bad-it-is-bad-but-we-are-getting-tipsy-about-now: Children of the Corn Remake, Jason X (Jason... IN SPACE!), Leprechaun 5: in da hood (not making that up... Edit: Oh fuck there is a sequel too!), or whatever other crap is in the $1 bin.

Film Category 3: The bloody one: Texas Chainsaw (I'm guessing it's bloody)... and whatever else... I'm not big on the genre.

Film Category 4: The Awesome one: Zombieland (I hear good things), Bad Taste, Tremors 1-3 etc.

I'll come up with better films in the last two categories when I'm not suffering from the flu.

'I watched nine Boston Legals before I realized it wasn't a new Star Trek'

30 Rock season 3 is gold.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Deus Ex 3 trailer is awesome

Damn blogger, keeps saying there is an error when I go to publish then deletes the post. Damn this city!