Friday, May 14, 2010

Vote One for Tan Phan

OMG politics from WisefromyourGwave? Is this the end of times? Was that hobo with the cardboard sign right?


I was rushing around trying to complete an assignment the other day at uni and it turned out that it was the union voting day. Union Voting day is a lot of fun... if you like being annoyed by dudes shoving pamphlets in your face saying 'Vote for Vin, representing your beliefs and interests'.

Now, I have no idea who Vin is, and I'm pretty sure to be representing my interests he'd have to be attending the election meetings in a business suit with one of those tweedledum propeller hats on his head... work a dong in there too for extra points... and I've yet to see that. Yes, I know, I've lead a sheltered life.

So anyway, after being annoyed by fifty of these dudes I come across this one Vietnamese guy who is completely blocking the pathway (which was an overpass everyone had to go over) I am on. Normally, they stick to one side but this guy was in the middle with his arms outstretched. Pamphlets in each hand.
He kind of looked like he was charging up his power or something.

Everyone had to bump into this guy to get to the other side (so kudos on his choice of location) and as they approached he would scream: (name has been changed)


Now usually when someone wants you to vote they give you a reason, so 'Vote for Jim, looking after your environmental concerns'. With this guy it was more like I should "VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN' because he is 'VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN!'.

And the weirder thing was that he would say 'VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN' as if it was the reason you should be voting for him. So you would take a pamphlet and you'd get 'VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN, VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN.'

That's right, he would say it twice as you took it.
I'm sure after five minutes the dude would be completely exhausted because in the fifteen seconds that I was within earshot I heard him say it about fifty times.

The sad thing is that out of all the people whose faces he screamed into I'm probably the only person who thought about what he was doing for more than one second.

And I didn't even vote... one for Tan Phan.
Dammit! It's lodged in the brain now.


  1. You've just added to the Tan Phan phenomenon. Now people are going to Google his name and your page is going to come up.

  2. In years to come, when Tan Phan has sky rocketed to new heights in the world political arena, through a combination of machiavellian tatics and good christian values you can say you were there at the begining

  3. I'm the man behind Tan phan... or was that inside?
    Either way it invovled anal.
