Monday, May 24, 2010

True Blood, despite featuring vampires, does not suck.

^Sorry for the pun, I didn't even mean for it to be there despite it being the most obvious thing ever.

So, what's the deal? Is it possible for a HBO show to suck?
I don't think so.

True Blood is about as far from you can get from the show I was expecting.
After reading the synopsis I was pretty sure this show wasn't for me.
Vampires start living amongst people after the Japanese invent synthetic blood.
Gay. I was expecting a Blade type scenario.

The show itself is really more of a family drama however, with vampires in the background now and then. It's like the creator wrote a clever drama and then shoved in the occasional vampire to increase viewership.

I'm not saying you should all run out there and buy it, I'd still rank it below Deadwood (slightly) and about on par with Canivale, if you want a decent show however then this is quite the good.
Plus it has vampires.

A friend of mine keeps on trying to get me to watch The Shield but I'm really not big on the genre, anyone had any experience? Aside from the nutsac police officer in the Family Guy parody?


  1. I've got the first season of True Blood on Blu-ray, and four seasons of The Shield on DVD, but I haven't watched any of them.

    So I guess I can't help you out.

  2. I also just pre-ordered myself a UK copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2. I decided I couldn't wait for the 1 July release date.

    This copy includes a special Mario t-shirt, and I get the game, the shirt and shipping for less than $70. UK release date is 11 June, so I should definitely get the game before the twentieth (possibly even earlier).

    My last exam is on 21 June, so everything should work out nicely.

  3. It's weird that it is out in the USA right now.

    I was thinking of ordering Sin and Punishment 2 as well (new treasure game) it is only out in Europe (not coming to AU).

    Did you find out the name of your archnemesis?

  4. No, but I did find out the process -- I have to show the paper to my own seminar leader next class (which is tomorrow), and then she'll bump it on to the subject co-ordinator.

    As it turns out, the subject co-ordinator didn't mark it, so a possible outcome is that my mark gets boosted, but the person who marked it in the first place never finds out about it.

    Which is kind of the opposite of what I wanted to happen.

  5. So will (or has) the letter ever make an appearance?

  6. I'll give it to my seminar leader, and tell her that she's welcome to excerpt part (or all) of it when she bumps the essay up the chain.

  7. Thought you might appreciate this, in view of our encounters with Starship yesterday ...

    I was just reading people's impressions of Super Mario Galaxy 2 on IGN. One person commented that he preferred Starship Mario to the Observatory hub of the first game, and then proceed to quote the song: "He built this city on jumps an' shrooms."

    Hey, it worked for me.

  8. After reading your first sentence I was reading to build you your own tin foil hat, it wasn't until the next paragraph until I realized what the hell you were talking about.

    So your post was entertaining on two different levels.
