Friday, May 28, 2010


'Spose I should update this thing, since it is all you live for.

So, long time no hear from the Dan, thinking he might have got shot in 'Nam, or fell asleep on the can... not that I give a damn.

Wow, this post be going places.

Anyway Daniel, what's been doing in melbourne? Ridden any trams yet, if you catch my drift?
My drift being that I'm asking if you've been on a tram.
Friggen Melbourne, it's not 1930's anymore. Is it?

I've been looking into scary films again as I do every 8 months or so and have actually that actually sounds quite awesome (though not scary).

The film is called Pontypool and is about a virus that is spread through spoken language (makes perfect scientific sense) which means that everyone has to stop speaking if they don't want to catch it.
It's canadian and reportedly quite a good watch.

Be warned though, I just looked up a photo of the director and he was wearing a cowboy hat.

Monday, May 24, 2010

True Blood, despite featuring vampires, does not suck.

^Sorry for the pun, I didn't even mean for it to be there despite it being the most obvious thing ever.

So, what's the deal? Is it possible for a HBO show to suck?
I don't think so.

True Blood is about as far from you can get from the show I was expecting.
After reading the synopsis I was pretty sure this show wasn't for me.
Vampires start living amongst people after the Japanese invent synthetic blood.
Gay. I was expecting a Blade type scenario.

The show itself is really more of a family drama however, with vampires in the background now and then. It's like the creator wrote a clever drama and then shoved in the occasional vampire to increase viewership.

I'm not saying you should all run out there and buy it, I'd still rank it below Deadwood (slightly) and about on par with Canivale, if you want a decent show however then this is quite the good.
Plus it has vampires.

A friend of mine keeps on trying to get me to watch The Shield but I'm really not big on the genre, anyone had any experience? Aside from the nutsac police officer in the Family Guy parody?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Scrubs got scrapped.

It was kind of inevitable since JD left but yeah, Scrubs has been cancelled.

Supposedly Season 9 does run a complete season (only 13 eps though) and does have a conclusion.

As you can see, the new cast does look kind of faggy but still, it is sad to see one of the few still running shows we all watch get cancelled.

The creator has moved onto 'Cougar Town' which reportedly blows ass.

I guess we'll all have to just move onto the amazing, totally fresh, completely hilarious, never to be topped Big Bang Theory... right guys? Right? Guys?

Oh, you've all killed yourselves.

In game news Sonic 4: EP. 1 has been delayed until the end of the year (it's weird to delay a three level game) and Mario Galaxy 2 has been getting across the board tens.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't you cry no more.

So I was walking past the cinemas the other day and in the distance I spot the above sign. I saw a woman with shiny eyes and a bright light behind her but couldn't make out anything else but the words 'Carrie on' and the number '2'.
'HOLY SMOKES! They are making Carrie 2. A sequel to a movie that already has a sequel, that's totally awesome' I said to myself.
I was in a rush so I walked around for the rest of the day with a glowing smile, knowing that, somwhere there was a batshit crazy director who was making movies just for me.
Of course when I walked back past the cinema later in the day I saw that it was actually an advertisement for 'Sex in the City 2' which is being mad by some sell out crazy director who is making movies specifically to spite me.
I died a lot inside that day...
ps. If you are wondering why there are a lot of '['s it's because blogger isn't recognizing spacing for some reason. I blame it and everything that's wrong with humanity on 'Sex in the city'... also 'Big Bang Theory', it was just on tv and it made me want to blow my brains out... like using actual wind, ass wind. You know how much ass wind you need for that kind of damage? ....Seriously, I'm asking a question here!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Vote One for Tan Phan

OMG politics from WisefromyourGwave? Is this the end of times? Was that hobo with the cardboard sign right?


I was rushing around trying to complete an assignment the other day at uni and it turned out that it was the union voting day. Union Voting day is a lot of fun... if you like being annoyed by dudes shoving pamphlets in your face saying 'Vote for Vin, representing your beliefs and interests'.

Now, I have no idea who Vin is, and I'm pretty sure to be representing my interests he'd have to be attending the election meetings in a business suit with one of those tweedledum propeller hats on his head... work a dong in there too for extra points... and I've yet to see that. Yes, I know, I've lead a sheltered life.

So anyway, after being annoyed by fifty of these dudes I come across this one Vietnamese guy who is completely blocking the pathway (which was an overpass everyone had to go over) I am on. Normally, they stick to one side but this guy was in the middle with his arms outstretched. Pamphlets in each hand.
He kind of looked like he was charging up his power or something.

Everyone had to bump into this guy to get to the other side (so kudos on his choice of location) and as they approached he would scream: (name has been changed)


Now usually when someone wants you to vote they give you a reason, so 'Vote for Jim, looking after your environmental concerns'. With this guy it was more like I should "VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN' because he is 'VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN!'.

And the weirder thing was that he would say 'VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN' as if it was the reason you should be voting for him. So you would take a pamphlet and you'd get 'VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN, VOTE ONE FOR TAN PHAN.'

That's right, he would say it twice as you took it.
I'm sure after five minutes the dude would be completely exhausted because in the fifteen seconds that I was within earshot I heard him say it about fifty times.

The sad thing is that out of all the people whose faces he screamed into I'm probably the only person who thought about what he was doing for more than one second.

And I didn't even vote... one for Tan Phan.
Dammit! It's lodged in the brain now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Attention! AMAZING NEWS:

I just found out that in Metal Gear Solid 4, if you punch the enemy in the groin, they fall unconscious.

That is all.

More posts post wednesday. My assignments are nearly complete.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dudes fixing the house with loud power tools + Need to do assignment = brain damage

Alright, it is well and truly past Wednesday but in my defence I had to sit in two hours of traffic at Parramatta and then was angry.

So here is my slagging of the RPG so big, that other RPGS that came out that month were turned on by it:

White Knight Chronicles:

^When you see it, you won't be able to not see it ever again.

Anyway what's so bad about FFXIII?

- It's an RPG where you are on rails the whole time. Paper Mario, a RPG that was restricted to a 2d plane had about 500x more exploration than this game.

If I wanted to be stuck on rails I would have jumped in front of the 8:30 to Downtown. Disturbing but to the point.

- The game has battles and cutscenes, that's it. No one to talk to, nothing to do aside from watch and fight.

If I wanted nothing to do I would do nothing... obviously.

- The cutscenes have the worst pacing in the world. Someone will say 'The leader said that he hates all those from this town', then you will get a ten minute flashback cutscene of the leader saying 'I hate all those from this town' giving no extra information whatsover. So why have the flashback?

If I wanted bad pacing I would have... I don't know... got a bunch of dudes drunk and forced them to march to the Rastafarian remix of Royal Britannia.

-The battle system REQUIRES that at the start of the battle you select 'Autobattle' (the only option I might add) with the only input from the player being basically 'behave like a fighter/behave like a mage'.

If I wanted someone to do something for me I'd hire brett's mum.

-One of the main parts of the story is trying to work out which people are aliens. You can guess who is though within about five seconds as all the aliens have Australian accents. Because Australians sound like aliens.

If I wanted to talk to Australian aliens I'd go outside without my aluminium foil hat. Or to Chinatown.

- It cost over 100 million dollars to make and was the fastest selling entry in the series.

I'm depressed.

Anyway I planned this to be epic, funny and ... epic but I've been busier than yo ass over a triple decker chocolate cake... fatty.

I've fixed the comments btw, no more word verification, let the spam begin!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Coming Wednesday!

Did I press the delete button?
Or did the delete button press me?... in my special area.
I just wrote out a paragraph about why you should be hyped for my Wednesday FFXIII lovefest, where we would lavish praise upon the single greatest piece of entertainment media ever created (that has the name Final Fantasy XIII) but as I was about to press the publish button it got deleted.
Will of the Gods? or implanted nanomachines instructing me to perform corporate will?
You decide.
Anyway tune back wednesday when I will be locked in a room at uni not doing an assignment that I should be doing.