Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Soooo verrrry tired.

There comes a time in every man's life when he realizes no one is going to post any funny comments and he has to post another six hundred words or so. Word.
That time is now, for me at least, and so the saga ends... or begins, it's all in the mind, my mind, which explains the awesome coherency of this post so far.

So here are some points of note, each of which could be expanded upon but won't be because some medication I'm taking is making me very sleepy... and you know what that means! I'm gonna sleep.

Everything doesn't have to be a joke, you know. Just things that can be related to Brett's mum and wang... so most things.

Points of Note:

1) I bolded, enlarged and coloured the 'points of note!!!!' to make myself feel big.

2) Point number 2 used to exist, then I changed something, now it doesn't. It's like, the circle of life or something.

3) You know, that prior to a few days ago I automatically assumed Hyundai was Japanese. This is despite the fact that it has the very obvious 'yoon' sound in it, a sound very characteristic of Korean speech but not as common in Japanese. It was the 'Dai' that threw me, also that most cars are made in Japan.

4) The word 'Dipthong' is funny, admit it.

5) For a game meant to be the ultimate Metroid experience Metroid: Other M is pretty meh.

6) In addition, they make Samus talk, they make her talk too much, they make her talk about dumb shit, they make me wish they'd make her shut up.
Oh and if at the end of the game they do a 'big reveal' where they show the name of the game, and then rearrange the 'M' so it is ahead of the 'Other' I'm going to lose faith in humanity.

7) Yo mamma.


  1. I think you should write more posts. One not-exactly-stellar post isn't the worst thing in the world, when you're getting so much content. But when we're down to, what, two a month now, these posts are going to get scrutinised very closely. And that's no good for anybody involved.

  2. Like your penis, that's what she said...awwwww

  3. The problem is that in my old age I'm censoring myself too much. I start writing something ridiculously offensive then delete it. Plus this site now gives me problems whenever I post a picture so I can't do that. I was thinking of doing a new podcast which would give me less time to think, and therefor produce gold.

    By the way, Daniel do you have Supreme Commander 1 on PC? I got given it the other day and I'd be up for a match online if you is down.

  4. Never heard of it, on another hand finally finished temple of elemental evil, I've started and stopped that game so many times
