Monday, September 20, 2010

Devil Will Cry

It's almost cliche (I can never get the accent to come up) to start the post with a comment about how no posts have been made in a while, so I'm going to start with a fart. Classy.

Anyway, I've been busy writing a second novel, the first one I did took the best part of three years and I, personally, thought I sold out with the ending. Also, I've come to realize that the main character is a twat. Those three people that have read it seem to think it is legitimately scary though I could have got the same effect by posting a photo of Brett's mum's... you know how it goes... ah, to hell with it, her sagging triple testicle surprise.

The surprise is she has three testicles.

That's not a good surprise.

Back to the second novel, it too is shit. Possibly more shit than that shit that I previously considered shit.

(I stopped writing here confident that when I came back in a few days I would recall what the hell my point was... i can't, so suck mah nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts.)

Anyway, I was talking to Kieren a while ago about Konami's, now infamous, E3 presentation. Seeing as how Tokyo Game Show has now passed (it sucked ass), now seems like a good time to bring up news from three months ago and show you... this:

(the main super awkward part is at 1:00)

Now, that was funny (and awkward) but then they took it to a whole new... revel:

I can't work out if he's on meth or just nervous but he's awesome like the wolf.

Awesome also Capcom at TGS announced they are reinventing Devil May Cry by:

A) Giving the development to a WESTERN game company. You read that right.


B) Turning Dante into this emo abomination with.... attitude... emo attitude.

good lord:


  1. Nice post.

    And it looks like I was right about Kirby. See, among others.

  2. What is wrong with Nintendo of Europe these days? Sin and Punishment 2 may or may not have been released here, no one seems to know.

    Do we at least get DK... Donkey Kong?

  3. Yeah, Donkey Kong will be out in time. It's the only reason I haven't sold my Wii in protest yet.

    Oh, and I picked up the Mega Drive collection for the PSP. I've made it to the final level of Altered Beast three times now. Why do I love that game so much?

  4. Yeah you should get that checked out.
    I'm looking through the catalog for that and it has Sword of Vermillion, that game was ass.

    Anyway i'm hoping Donkey Kong is good after the abortion that was Metroid Other M. I always figured that it must have been the Nintendo part of Metroid Prime that made it good but I guess Other M shows that Retro must have added something to make Prime so good.

    Castlevania and Donkey Kong are all i'm interested in for the rest of the year. Pretty sad.

  5. Oh, and I just want to point out that ol' Billy is up to six songs for Teargarden By Kaleidyscope now, and I'm really digging them. The whole set should make a nice box when it's all done.
