Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Kieren made a comment in the last thread about Billy's new songs. What I want to know is are they being released as he goes or are they done and are they being released in a steady stream (one every two weeks)?
That's an actual question by the way, I could look it up by myself but I could also keep typing about something else.

Also Teargarden By Kaleidyscope is a really wanky name but whatever, you take the good with the bad. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the idea of a made-as-you-go boxset either. Melancholy worked because it felt like a cohesive album. It felt like you were meant to listen to beginning and play it through to the end. I'm speculating here but I'm guessing playing the whole boxset beginning to end would be mishmashy, kind of like Machina 2... which I'm not sure if I consider an album.
Who cares.

Speaking of wanky, I have to get this off my chest... it's brett's mum's voluptuous manass. You read that right, MANass.
Anyway not that, I've been meaning to rant about something for a while now, over a year I guess, though I haven't had the time or whatever.

There was a dude last year (and presumably this year too) who used to walk around my uni with a wanky looking copy of 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' and quoted it to his friends and his friend's friends which is how I heard it.
Now this is what I have to say about it:
A) This guy is a major douche.
B) Why do it for? Are you trying to seem like you are some kind of deep philosopher who has a greater understanding of the universe and is therefor better than the people you are qouting it to?
C) If B is true then why are you quoting something that everyone who has every done a philosophy class has read, or is at least aware of. Something that your lecturer probably rammed down your throat.
It's like coming up to someone and quoting 'Tale of Two Cities'.
Wow! 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'. Holy Shit! Never heard that before and even if I had I never would have appreciated it unless you came up to me and quoted it while I'm eating my lunch.

What a fag.

That felt good. Now that's not to say I've never done douchey things myself but at least my doucheness is hilarious. Remember Aereon? Nay Neigh? What the fuck was I on.

Oh and Teargarden better have an album cover that approaches this greatness or I will be pissed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Devil Will Cry

It's almost cliche (I can never get the accent to come up) to start the post with a comment about how no posts have been made in a while, so I'm going to start with a fart. Classy.

Anyway, I've been busy writing a second novel, the first one I did took the best part of three years and I, personally, thought I sold out with the ending. Also, I've come to realize that the main character is a twat. Those three people that have read it seem to think it is legitimately scary though I could have got the same effect by posting a photo of Brett's mum's... you know how it goes... ah, to hell with it, her sagging triple testicle surprise.

The surprise is she has three testicles.

That's not a good surprise.

Back to the second novel, it too is shit. Possibly more shit than that shit that I previously considered shit.

(I stopped writing here confident that when I came back in a few days I would recall what the hell my point was... i can't, so suck mah nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts.)

Anyway, I was talking to Kieren a while ago about Konami's, now infamous, E3 presentation. Seeing as how Tokyo Game Show has now passed (it sucked ass), now seems like a good time to bring up news from three months ago and show you... this:

(the main super awkward part is at 1:00)

Now, that was funny (and awkward) but then they took it to a whole new... revel:

I can't work out if he's on meth or just nervous but he's awesome like the wolf.

Awesome also Capcom at TGS announced they are reinventing Devil May Cry by:

A) Giving the development to a WESTERN game company. You read that right.


B) Turning Dante into this emo abomination with.... attitude... emo attitude.

good lord:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Soooo verrrry tired.

There comes a time in every man's life when he realizes no one is going to post any funny comments and he has to post another six hundred words or so. Word.
That time is now, for me at least, and so the saga ends... or begins, it's all in the mind, my mind, which explains the awesome coherency of this post so far.

So here are some points of note, each of which could be expanded upon but won't be because some medication I'm taking is making me very sleepy... and you know what that means! I'm gonna sleep.

Everything doesn't have to be a joke, you know. Just things that can be related to Brett's mum and wang... so most things.

Points of Note:

1) I bolded, enlarged and coloured the 'points of note!!!!' to make myself feel big.

2) Point number 2 used to exist, then I changed something, now it doesn't. It's like, the circle of life or something.

3) You know, that prior to a few days ago I automatically assumed Hyundai was Japanese. This is despite the fact that it has the very obvious 'yoon' sound in it, a sound very characteristic of Korean speech but not as common in Japanese. It was the 'Dai' that threw me, also that most cars are made in Japan.

4) The word 'Dipthong' is funny, admit it.

5) For a game meant to be the ultimate Metroid experience Metroid: Other M is pretty meh.

6) In addition, they make Samus talk, they make her talk too much, they make her talk about dumb shit, they make me wish they'd make her shut up.
Oh and if at the end of the game they do a 'big reveal' where they show the name of the game, and then rearrange the 'M' so it is ahead of the 'Other' I'm going to lose faith in humanity.

7) Yo mamma.