Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tell me this wasn't worth waiting 9 days for.

I took a dump last night. Yes, it is true.

They say that toilet humour is the lowest link the humour chain. Think about it for a moment though, without the lowest link there would be more chain* and as Streets of Rage taught us, chains are essential for beating down guys who look like Paul Reiser. So in order to stave off Mad about You actors I impart this gift to thee.

So this dump was no ordinary dump. In an alternate universe where Will To Power was written on the toilet, this would have been described as the UberDump.

This was no ordinary dump. It was so huge that it was almost like a Shitopolis, where other shits wandered around inside and lived their shitty lives, with smiling faeces, all under the watchful gaze of a King Shit.

Yeah, anyway it was epic.

'Spose I should talk about something not related to waste.

Well, given the above introduction I guess now would be a good time to announce that I restarted Final Fantasy XIII.

Now I know what you are thinking 'Didn't you say FFXIII was terrible?... man, brett has a fine ass'. Yes I did but after losing my save for some reason I thought that I would start the game again.

I've read people's posts online on how you have to play the game in a particular way, seemingly glitching the battle system, for it to be fun.... and they were right. It still is a poor excuse for a final fantasy game but I don't want to kill myself when I turn it on. I just got up to the point where I quit and this point is especially badly designed but supposedly things get good around the corner.
*or the chain would be of higher quality... whatever.


  1. I think you're mixing up the weakest link in the chain and the lowest rung on the ladder.

    Nice news about the shit, though.

  2. Yeah that was what it was originally but you can't beat up Paul Rieser with a ladder... you can only use it to climb up his jew nose.
